Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chef 12.4.2 Released [feedly]

Chef 12.4.2 Released
// Chef Blog

We've just released Chef 12.4.2, a minor update with some packaging-related fixes.

  1. Support for installation via RPM 5 on Enterprise Linux. (PR)
  2. OS/X and Windows gem install and bundle install bugfix: rubygems and bundler have both been upgraded, and will now correctly pull in the latest universal version of a platform-specific gem on Windows and OS/X instead of searching for earlier Windows- or OS/X-specific versions.
  3. Chef itself will now resolve to 12.4.2 instead of 12.3.0 when bundle install or gem install is run on a gem with Chef as a dependency. (PR)

You can get it here.

You should see no changed behavior from 12.4.1, excepting potential bugfixes from dependencies which have been upgraded.


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