Sunday, June 5, 2016

ChefConf Session Spotlight – The Softer Side Of DevOps [feedly]

ChefConf Session Spotlight – The Softer Side Of DevOps
// Chef Blog

We're seven weeks from ChefConf, the huge community reunion open to everyone that celebrates our vibrant and passionate community. We're busy preparing an invigorating blend of technology and local Austin experiences to energize everyone attending. As we approach the show we'll be spotlighting the unique events, experiences, happenings, and – the topic of this blog – sessions going down at the show.

It's only right we kick off our session highlights with long-time and very active Chef community contributor Phil Dibowitz. A production engineer at Facebook, Phil and his team have delivered a range of valuable additions to the Chef community, including open sourcing an incredible collection of cookbooks based on how they manage one of the largest infrastructures in the world.


A frequent speaker at ChefConf and many other conferences, Phil will present a talk sure to be one of the most popular and broadly applicable presentations at this year's show.

Phil's session is entitled "The Softer Side of DevOps" and designed for everyone from executives to developers to sysadmins. Here's an overview straight from Phil:

Previously, I've spoken extensively at ChefConf about the technical aspect of DevOps. How to implement the technologies, controls, tools, code, etc. But over the past few years people have asked more and more about the social aspect. How did we get countless teams across a large company to do this? How do you get buy-in? How do you sell it? How do you handle the teams who you don't think can cut it? What about the teams that are stuck in the past? How do you build or transform your team/teams/department/company? Getting one team to do it is easy – but it doesn't get you where you want to go. You have to get everyone in. That's what this talk will focus on: the soft-skills side of DevOps.
Whether you're new to DevOps or trying to take your own practices to the next level, this talk has something for everyone — and Phil has a wealth of experience to share. Stay tuned for many more session spotlights ahead of ChefConf 2016, July 11-13, in beautiful Austin, TX. If you haven't already, register now to join 2,000 revolutionaries, game-changers, and disruptors before we sell out!

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