Sunday, July 3, 2016

DockerCon 2016: Deep Dive into Docker for Developers [feedly]

DockerCon 2016: Deep Dive into Docker for Developers
// Docker Blog

There were many awesome announcements at DockerCon 2016 but we are super excited to open the Docker for Mac and Windows beta to everyone!

During DockerCon 2016, several presentations highlighted these efforts to bring a native Docker experience to Mac and Windows, making it easier for developers to work with Docker in their own environments. Watch the sessions below to learn more!


Docker for Developers – Part 1 by David Gageot, Docker

In this video, David shows how developers can quickly get started building distributed apps with Docker for Mac and Windows.

Learn about the #Docker for Mac + Windows by watching @dgageot's #DockerCon session
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Docker for Mac and Windows: The Insider's Guide by Justin Cormack

It may not look like a lot has changed from Docker Toolbox but there has been an incredible amount of really hard engineering work that went into making Docker for Mac and Windows happen. In this video, Justin Cormack explains the internals of Docker for Mac and Windows and why these changes matter.

Watch @justincormack's #DockerCon talk for the inside scoop on #Docker for Mac and Windows
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Docker for Developers – Part 2 by Borja Burgos and Fernando Mayo

Now that we've seen how to build distributed apps with Docker for Mac and Windows, Borja and Fernando show how to ship and run these apps on to your favorite cloud provider thanks to Docker Cloud.

#Docker for Devs Part 2 – watch the video with @borja_burgos + @fernandomayo from #DockerCon
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