Monday, March 13, 2017

Bringing IT Talent to Equifax [feedly]

Bringing IT Talent to Equifax
// Chef Blog

As with every software-driven company, Equifax has challenges finding enough qualified people to fill its IT engineering positions. It's especially difficult to find engineers who are familiar with modern approaches to infrastructure and application deployment such as automation, continuous delivery, and DevOps culture.

Jim Grill, Senior Director of IT Software Engineering and Automation at Equifax, is very familiar with the problem.  As he and his colleagues tried to come up with a solution, they realized that, no matter who they hired, they would have to train them. With that in mind, they decided to focus more on the type of person they wanted.

They decided to look for people who had a passion for learning and who loved what they did rather than looking for people with a lot of experience. Given that, it made sense to start recruiting from a university.
For a number or reasons, including proximity to Equifax, personal contacts and enthusiasm on the part of the school, Equifax began a partnership with Auburn University.

In the Skills Library article, Bringing IT Talent to Equifax, Jim talks about Equfax's relationship with Auburn, how the program developed, and how they train new hires from the university on Chef and other tools.

He also talks about the type of commitment it takes from his teams, and some of the innovative strategies they're using to work with new people who are often located remotely from the more experienced team members. In addition, some of the new hires talk about their own experiences after joining Equifax.

For a complete picture of how Equifax uses Chef and practices DevOps, you can also read Using Chef at Equifax and Chef and DevOps at Equifax.

Interested in certifying your own, or your team's, Chef skills? Learn more about the Chef Certification program.

The post Bringing IT Talent to Equifax appeared first on Chef Blog.


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