Monday, February 12, 2024

Installing HashiCorp tools in Alpine Linux containers

Many container images use Alpine Linux as their base operating system. When you build your own container image, you include the installation of packages in a Dockerfile (Containerfile). While you can use the official container images for HashiCorp tools, you may need to build your own container image with additional dependencies to apply HashiCorp Terraform in a CI/CD pipeline, run HashiCorp Vault or Consul on a workload orchestrator, or deploy HashiCorp Boundary in containers.

This post demonstrates how to install the official release binaries for HashiCorp tools on Alpine Linux for container images. We’re sharing these instructions because although HashiCorp supports official repositories for many operating systems and distributions, including various Linux distributions, Alpine Linux users must download the tools from precompiled binaries on the HashiCorp release site. The binaries are not available through Alpine Package Keeper.

Build a container image

You can download the binary for any HashiCorp tool on the HashiCorp release site. Use the release site to download a specific product and its version for a given operating system and architecture. For Alpine Linux, use the product binary compiled for Linux AMD64:

FROM alpine:latest


RUN apk add --update --virtual .deps --no-cache gnupg && \
    cd /tmp && \
    wget${PRODUCT}/${VERSION}/${PRODUCT}_${VERSION} && \
    wget${PRODUCT}/${VERSION}/${PRODUCT}_${VERSION}_SHA256SUMS.sig && \
    wget -qO- | gpg --import && \
    gpg --verify ${PRODUCT}_${VERSION}_SHA256SUMS.sig ${PRODUCT}_${VERSION}_SHA256SUMS && \
    grep ${PRODUCT}_${VERSION} ${PRODUCT}_${VERSION}_SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c && \
    unzip /tmp/${PRODUCT}_${VERSION} -d /tmp && \
    mv /tmp/${PRODUCT} /usr/local/bin/${PRODUCT} && \
    apk del .deps

The example Dockerfile includes build arguments for the product and version. Use these arguments to install the HashiCorp tool of your choice. For example, you can use this Dockerfile to create an Alpine Linux base image with Terraform version 1.7.2:

docker build --build-arg PRODUCT=terraform \
--build-arg VERSION=1.7.2 \
-t joatmon08/terraform:test .

You can run a container with the new Terraform base image and issue Terraform commands:

$ docker run -it joatmon08/terraform:test terraform -help

Usage: terraform [global options] 

from HashiCorp Blog

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